Friday, July 26, 2002

Friday five, don't mind if I do...

1. How long have you had a weblog?

This sucker kicked off on August 28, 2001 which is the same day the web site was uploaded. The archives go back to October 2001 using Blogger. Before that I used to edit each entry be myself in HTML & then upload the page. Way too much work & no archives!

2. What was your first post about?

I don't remember, but the original text is on a CD somewhere where i used to keep a copy of the site. It most likely said "here's my web page" as most seem to.

3. How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one?

The first version of the site was "Pete's Patch" which lasted about six months before being altered to it's present format. I think the journal was actually linked to as the "journal". It now is the "chronicle" & it's likely to stay that way. I did toy with the idea of calling it "memoirs" but memoirs are normally written to be published & these ramblings certainly aren't!

4. What CMS (content management system) do you use? Do you like it or do you want to try something else?

Bloggers my only available option using my current server. I would like to use "Movable Type" or "Greymatter" but the required software, such as perl, isn't available.

5. Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place?

I like to know what's on other peoples minds rather than having a maze of links to other sites. Journals tend to be a bit more intimate with the writer. I think I define mine as a journal, even though I throw in the occasional link.

It's been a long week & it's finally over!

Two days of trying to sort out budgets, a full day of pay rate changes for all the clubs employees & two days of catching up on work to be done before then end of the month. All this while the new GM plays golf & then complains about his work load!

Enough whinging though! I had a call on Thursday from ABC Radio National regarding their science show on Monday afternoons. They were looking to speak to people regarding their online blogs & they wanted to talk to me! After a couple of emails, I tried to call the show's host, but could only leave my name & number on his machine. I haven't heard back from him, so maybe he didn't like the way I sounded on the phone. Oh, well...


Sunday, July 21, 2002

I'm blogging via my mobile phone for this one. Congratulations to Niki & Alex on the birth of Joshua Blake! I'm going to sleep now...

It's been a rather busy day. Partially living in two rooms while a new storage robe is built in my bedroom. I'm sleeping in one while the majority of all my stuff resides in another.

In order to embelish this problem, I went out & bought a few clothes. I'm very rarely doing this. Clothes shopping is not my forte, but I found a couple of things from Colorado. I did find a wierd phenomenon on the shopping expedition however. The lower floor of David Jones at Marion gives me some kind of spontaneous irritation & I end up itching all over my back for ten or so minutes! The area contains all sorts of perfumes, so it is possible but it is fairly painful & when it happens you just want to get your gear off & find the nearest plushpile carpet to lay down and roll on to relieve the itching. I just hope I never fall for a girl who ends up wearing the alleged perfume.

Maggie returned today for the first time in a fortnight. He can obviously fend for himself & only pops past to have a takeaway meal on occasion. For those who don't know, Maggie is a magpie (South Australia's official emblem contains one) which flew in one day & we've been feeding for the last six months at the back door. He (or she) is not fully dependant on us but certainly enjoys a bit of mince meat over grotty worms.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

Some new images are now up. Check the dates to work out which page has some newies.

Friday 5 time...

1. Where were you born?

Whyalla, South Australia. It's a dry, dusty minature city known for the steel smelters.

2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not?

I can't see myself ever moving back. We moved not long after I was born, so there's not exactly any reason to return. I have been back to have a look around but unless you want to work at the BHP steelworks, there's nothing of value there.

3. Where in the world do you feel the safest?

Apart from having the Formula 1 grand prix a number of years ago, no one knows where Adelaide is (they probably couldn't place it back then either!). Therefore, with all the conflicts, etc going on in the world, I would consider it safe. It's not exactly high of the lists of terrorist organisations.

4. Do you feel you are well-travelled?

If only! I've never been outside Australia & have only seen the Southern & East coasts of this continent, so I'm definitely not well travelled. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see the world though!

5. Where is the most interesting place you've been?

I'm actually going to say that Adelaide is the most interesting place I've been. The reason for this is that once you spend time in one spot, you tend to look for other things to do, etc & you find things that wouldn't normally be aparent to those travelling through.

I find it interesting to travel away from home & see brochures for attractions where you live that you've never heard of or knew existed.


I’ve heard various reports on Men in Black 2. Some are good, others not so.

I’m still not sure after seeing the film whether I liked it or not. After the whole headlight thing, maybe I wasn’t in the right mood.

The special effects are supposed to be amazing, & quite a few of them are, but others, such as the two headed guy & the big worm at the start, look a bit dated in the technology used.

Had a bad start to a night out. Driving down the street when I realised something was wrong. Sitting up high, looking out over the bonnet trying to work out why my dashboard is lit up but no light coming from the headlights.

A few wiggles of the headlight knob brought them back to life only to have them die one street later. Another wiggle & no troubles since! Still might want to have them looked at though.

I was having a whinge on the weekend regarding my nose which was freezing from the cold wind blowing though. If God was so perfect, he definitely stuffed up the nose because it hangs out too far.

After saying that fact out loud a chick responded that it wasn’t the only thing he buggered, “women have to sit to pee, which is another glaring fault”.

You can see the smile on God’s face as he sat trying to think of something that would be piss funny, when he came up with the idea of making chicks piss funny!

I’ve reinstated the Guest Book on the Diverse page as well as a couple of other bits & pieces. I found the link to the guest book attached to an old piece of html from my old Pete’s Patch. It still has the couple of comments that were entered originally, so it doesn’t look like so deserted.

I’ve also adjusted the format of the page to fit in with the rest of the site which I didn’t realise you could do!

I’ve just had a look for some valves for my amp on the net. Being a Fender amp, it naturally comes with Groove Tubes which are (apparently) not the greatest valves on the market. I haven’t had any problems, but I thought I’d check out how much a new full set would be worth.

Based on the prices in US dollars on the Groove Tubes web site, they could end up costing approx A.$300!

Sorry all. Didn't get to post last week due to both being busy & blogger not behaving itself.

Well the big news is Llayton Hewitt winning the Wimbledon title after giving his opponent an absolute thrashing.

It’s not bad having the last three Wimbledon finals including an Australian (Pat Rafter in 2000/01). Even though Pat lost both finals, Lleyton’s win definitely makes up for it & I’m sure that Pat would be proud of his junior’s efforts.

If I haven’t mentioned it here before, Lleyton is a member of the Glenelg Golf Club with his parents & played a round or two a couple of months ago. He is just as handy with a golf club as he is with a tennis raquet.

There has been the thought by a few members that his membership should be upgraded as a result of his win & that in doing so, will not change to the marginally, higher statured, Royal Adelaide Golf Club. The thing is that not too many people, including members, actually know he is associated with the club. Giving him extra membership rights just goes to prove that once you start making really good money, everyone wants to be your friend and will give you free stuff in order to benefit off that success.

The fact that for a less that ten matches of tennis, he walks away with around $1.5 million and multiples of that in endorsements, raises the question of why he should get anything free!

Maybe I’m completely jealous, but then again maybe not.

Anyway, congratulations to Lleyton.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

How bored am I?

Glad you asked! I've just gone & optimised all the images on the site to make them load quicker. The site which was bordering on the 5 meg limit has been zapped with the big reduction gun (macromedia fireworks to be exact) to reduce the entire site to around half.

The reason for this? Well, there are more photos to be put up & the room was required. Check the dates on the perspective page for updates soon.

Friday, July 05, 2002

Okay, time to attempt another Friday Five.

1. Where are you right now?

I sitting at the computer in the dining room watching, from the corner of my eye, Lleyton Hewitt & Tim Henman slug it out in the Wimbledon semi-final.

2. What have you lost recently?

I have lost something a month or so ago that was really important to me, but now it's lost I'm not overly fussed. The fact that it has actually gone is quite possibly a good thing. However, there is something else that I would like to lose... Hmm, wonder where I put that?

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?

My first CD was bought even before I had a CD player. It was "On every street" by Dire Straits & it's still a great album even though it wasn't as commercially successful as the earlier stuff.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?

I like all those new fangled gel pens since they are so smooth. However, I normally use a pen my sister bought me hich is made from aluminium & is quite heavy! It has Bugs Bunny & the Tassie Devil embossed on it but is still very classy.

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Simple. Choc Chip!

Great story on Today Tonight regarding people that eat in their sleep. Trust channel 7 to run with this bit of drivel.

I know people do some really weird stuff when asleep, hey, my sister was notorious for walking around the house trying to call other people on the phone.

The thing is that to actually get out of bed, walk to the fridge and then start eating? How the hell do you not wake up when you’re stuffing your head with food?

The funny thing was the person interviewed. The eat/sleepwalking thing happens every night and she sometimes consumes an entire loaf of bread! I couldn’t possibly get through a couple of dry slices when awake!

However, her problem won’t last too long into the future. She was lucky to be able to get out of bed due to her size & you’d have to imagine that it would get to a point where she can’t actually walk to the fridge in which case the problem will ultimately rectify itself!

Victory to the people!

After watching one moron belt past other drivers on the way to work dozens of time, justice (to a degree) has been served.

He didn’t crash or have cops pull him over. Instead I passed him sitting on the side of the road with a significant pool of engine fluids trickling down underneath. With any hope, the cost of fixing a completely rooted engine will be more than any fine the cops would give him & he won’t be on the road for at least a few days.

Pity his licence didn’t get nuked with the engine!

Harking back to Big Brother, it looks like channel Ten have scraped enough “known” people to play in the celebrity version which airs late in July.

Not sure how much of their dignity will be lost during the event, but I’m not sure I want to see an “uncut version”, especially if Bert Newton and similar sized celebs get their kit off.

Australia also had its first taste of the Osbornes. What a complete bunch of freaks!

They look like damn good value though & it should be a bloody funny series.

So we finally have a winner for Big Brother 2. Congrats go to Pete & at least we know that he’ll use the cash wisely.

There is so much talk & comparison to BB1 with virtually a repeat of the final two gracing the couch and the same end result. The fact that it has worked out in this way isn’t a conspiracy in any respect. Big Brother may well have made the occasional call to decide who leaves the house, but those decisions are for the quality of viewing. The eviction of Jessica was a shock due to her popularity, but it may have been the way people voted.

Anyway, I would expect that the target demographic of BB is from around 15 to 25 years & that this bracket would be the majority of votes for the earlier evictions. Hence the older individuals getting kicked out first. The final eviction I imagine would depend on both the level of deserving to win the prize & the people that have campaigned for their housemate in their respective towns etc. Therefore, Pete had a pretty good chance of taking home the bacon, both deserving the money more than Marty & having a bigger group of voters from Woolongong.

Still would have liked Sahra to win, but there you go!

Fully shat myself after finding out that a backup of the clubs files was being done every night & then left on premises.

Doesn’t take a genius to determine that if the place goes up in the hazy mess of an orange glow, that the next step would be to subdivide the course land and try to recoup a small percentage of losses.

Luckily, no fire, flood or other natural disaster has occurred up to this point but it still doesn’t make it any less serious. Looks like a few basic procedures need to be put in place….

Happy New Financial Year to all those that care.

When working for an accounting firm, the end of financial year is the time that the really efficient people bring in all their tax return crap & want it done yesterday. Thankfully, I no longer have to worry about all that.

Instead, I need to print a bunch of group certificates for all the employees and reconcile a few superannuation & tax issues. Much easier than people bitching about an insufficient tax refund.

The only thing I do miss out on now is the notorious end of financial year dinner and seeing all your work-mates completely pissed. Now I have to wait until the Christmas bash.





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