Friday, April 30, 2004

If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Let's translate this phrase as it applies to the United States.

If George Bush faces the September 11 Commission & it's not under oath, recorded or transcribed, is there any f@#king point?

Thursday, April 29, 2004

I'm dreading looking underneath my car at the moment because I suspect it's going to be all white & sticky!

Please... mind out of the gutter thank you! No strange sexual exploits have taken place!

I had a bit of an incident on the way to work which has most likely rendered this messy situation. Plugging along at around 80kph, I've spotted a fling carton of Farmer's Union Iced Coffee spiraling through the air. I actually reacted by ducking down in the car (later realising how embarrassing this would have looked!), before the carton dipped down under the car. On it's way, my windscreen has copped a nice splash of milk & the way my tyres squashed the carton, I could tell it was full!

Since I couldn't see any huge splash from the side mirror, I'm assuming the remains are spread throughout the undercarriage.

As there is nothing worse than the smell of spoilt milk, I might just be giving my car an impromptu wash this evening!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Here's one for you...

Everyone knows that Adelaide is the murder capital of this here planet. Don't ask me why, but I played around with a few anagrams of "Adelaide".

Mix it up & you can get "A dead lie". Take that as you will!


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

May I just mention, lever-arch files placed in overhead shelving really do hurt when they fall on your head!

Three days away from work, no updates since Friday, I do declare it's time to post!

I woke up on Saturday & hated the world. I don't know why but I just had to get out of the house before my head exploded! I cancelled the suit hire for the wedding that isn't & got to speak to the cute girl that was there when we hired them! Wandered around the city for a while & resolved my issues with this planet!

Spent the rest of the long weekend playing the guitar & annoying the neighbours. After two days of playing, I've got blisters on the tips of my fingers, which most people would find horrid, that are actually very beneficial. Blisters = calouses = guitar playing for longer!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Watched a guy get cleaned up by a bus on the way home last night!

I watched this guy cycle between cars banked up at traffic lights. He crossed three lanes & then out into the empty bus lane. I could see the lights of the bus coming & knew exactly what was going to happen but could do nothing about it.

He never saw it coming & was collected by the bus, which was thankfully braking, though he would have been dragged an entire bus length along the road.

I imagine the guy would have lived, but he would have had at a minimum, some nasty broken bones. He only has his own stupidity to blame.

See, you never can tell when you're going to get hit by a bus!!

In other news which is on the sad side. My sister no longer wears an engagement ring!

She finally worked out that she was financially supporting a loser who has no aspirations or job prospects. In the end, we found out that his parents had prepared for his return over a week ago by re-doing his bedroom. He then told my sister that if she would wait around for the next five years after he was succesful in his career, she could have him back!

I don't think he quite gets the concept of being dumped!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Okay, I think I'm more awake now than I was at 2am this morning. More of a second wind thing going here!

Last night's concert was very cool. I had second row seats, but ended up at the barrier in front of the stage with John Mayer less than 10 feet away for most of the show!

I can't say I've ever been to a concert where the sound was so clear. Was like having a CD played at a high volume but it was actually being created in front of me (no ringing in the ears after which was a bonus!).

I ended up with one of John's picks he used to play "only Heart" on his Fender/Flying V hybrid guitar. One hell of a souvenir. The edges are well worn too, so he sure played harder than I expected! Here's proof & no, it's not for sale!

One of the people I went with got to meet John albeit, very briefly, before the show which she probably thought would make me pretty jealous. I simply told her that I don't really care about meeting the guy, I'd much rather be up there playing beside him on stage!

Anyway, highlights were some of the solos which were highly improvised, with a few very classy blues & jazz licks. A bit of scat whistling & using an audience member's camera to play a touch of slide guitar whilst taking close up photos of himself. Another cool souvenir for a lucky punter.

Excuse the crappy mobile phone photos here, a friend lugged a digital camera along & when they get emailed to me, I'll find a spot to put them up here!

Without further ado, I present John Mayer & band live in Adelaide....

By the way, I'm a big fan of the custom guitar in that first photo, also used in the film clip of "Bigger than my body", so the colours of the site now match it!

Only just got home from the John Mayer concert last night.

Amazing night & lots to tell, so I'll refrain from posting until tonight so I can add in some photos!

[Posted with hblogger 0.1b]

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I don't know who actually uses ICQ anymore. Everyone that seems to be a regular user has some sort of porn nickname. I occasionally open it on my home computer if I think someone I know might be online, in which case I can use it for it's original purpose, chatting, rather than a form of online sex!

Anyway, I happened to have it open the other night & up popped a message from a girl in Adelaide. I sent a message back before checking her profile. She ended up being a youngen of around 20 & after a couple of queries about how she was doing & what was she up to, she's dropped the "are you single?" query! I didn't think much of it until her next reply, something along the lines of..."I'm single too, my name is ..... & my phone number ......, give me a call!"

Now, I'm a lot less shy than I used to be, but I didn't think anyone would be that up-front! Maybe she checked this site out first, I really don't know, but I think it's a huge step to start throwing your phone number around. Especially for a young female in the murder capital of the world!

I could be any run of the mill freak, then again.... so could she!

Sometimes the best laid plans.... well, just aren't best laid! Missed the second ever unofficial blog meetup last night. I'm not quite sure what happened yesterday, but I turned up for work & within a very short space of time, it was late afternoon. Everyone felt the same at the hotel & we've concluded there has been alien intervention in the time space continuum!

However, nothing on this planet will stop me getting to the John Mayer concert tonight. The tickets are by my side here, change of clothes in the car, trying to kill time at work as best I can!

I'm going with a mate, who also plays guitar, after the other people who were going pulled out at the eleventh hour. I just hope the set list is a bit better than last nights show in Melbourne. Nothing new, no covers, no B-sides, just all standard album tracks, which is really out of character. Brizvegas had an amazing show, so here's hoping tonight's will be a blast!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Weird dreams time!

Some dreams just stick in the head & leave you pondering. Here's one from last night that had me wondering what drugs I was on!

I was dreaming about movies or more accurately the trailers before a movie. The first two I can't remember, but the third a bit too vivid. Johnny Depp was playing a role in what seemed to be the 1940's & was being tortured by someone who would attach various batteries to him. I imagine sort of like shock therapy. I saw various versions of this method, each time on a grander scale. Depp tied up & being zapped!

Whoever was doing this to him never appeared in the dream, but in the end it was as though they were trying to electrocute Johnny with little success. The final scene I'm not going to describe, again, it was just too realistic & disturbing.

The freaky part was I can remember the title being "Dangerous Blooming". Whatever the hell that means! The voice over at the end was along the lines of (in deep cinematic voice) "You may not be able to survive the trailer!", as the screen turned instantly to black.

I rarely have what could be deemed a nightmare, but just recently I'm having some odd dreams which have put me on edge.

I think there is two items to come out of the above... If anyone has any knowledge of what this dream might represent, please let me know. On the other hand, if the above horror flick makes it to the big screen, I'll need a few witnesses so I can claim the rights to the film & make a squillion!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Good work to our own "The Red Sea on Rundle", kicking some decent butt on "My Retaurant Rules".

Yes, I know, it's yet more reality TV, but this is real state versus state stuff & Adelaide would have to give this thing a real shake. I admit to missing a whole heap of shows along the way, but now that so much is on the line, I think I'm hooked by the fear factor alone! Doing so much work to start & open a restaurant, run it for quite a few weeks & then have the thing whipped out from under would be worse than death.

I can't imagine the feeling of waking up after months of work to find that everything you've done amounts to nothing. I can't imagine it, but for four of the couples, they're going to experience it!

I'm going to be hooked on this series until the end now or until Adelaide gets the chop. I may even venture down Rundle St one night & get my head on the telly. Let's face it, I can't afford to eat there!

Saturday, April 17, 2004

If you've read this page before, wondering who this great literary talent is (cough, cough) & what he looks like, your wishes have been answered!

Over on the side there is a little underlined word that's taken a while to reappear. The "about" section has returned!

Instead of just bombarding everyone with useless facts & figures, there is some work to be done. It's interactive, just like Foxtel, only cheaper!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Well, my holidays for next week have been placed on hold.... indefinately!

After a year & a half of solid working, I'm just going to have to wait. I've pretty much lost this week due to a staff member being ill. Furthermore that same individual resigned a week or so ago & I should be around for some of the handover to the newly employed.

In the end it's no-one's fault, just crap circumstances! I've been given the option to take next week off regardless, but the pain of getting everything back to normal afterwards out-weighs the holiday benefits!

Hmmm, what to do, what to do!!

[Posted with hblogger 0.1b]

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

On my desk I have three stress balls, one red, one green & one yellow.

They are from Gearhouse Australia (now defunct), Jameson Irish Whisky & HostPlus Superannuation respectively. I give my heart-felt thanks to these companies for providing me with such squeezable components to bide my time throughout the day.

As well as relieving stress, they are also assisting in my efforts to juggle three balls, with the added benefit of reminding me of the set of primary colours.

Who ever thought a ball of foam rubber could be so much fun & educational at the same time!

Monday, April 12, 2004

Since I've had no musical talent today, I may as well just listen rather than try hopelessly to play!

I've warmed up my fingers & performed a few scales but I'm still a mess of wayward digets, so I've pulled out some cd's to review.

The Dissociatives - Released just last week, this is the second collaboration between Daniel Johns & Paul Mac (An e.p. from a while back used o be available on line). I was unsure what to expect & it's taken a couple of spins but I'm getting into it now. The way I'll describe it is a very laidback, rhythm, non-guitar based "Diorama". The Silverchair album always felt very forced to me & although the Dissociatives is non-rock in nature, it's a catchy album. I'm not impervious to beats & synthetic tunes when done properly, as this is!

Reality - David Bowie - I bought this cd because he was on his way to Adelaide & I'd never stopped to listen to Bowie straight-up. So many of his songs are known but I wanted to hear a complete album, not just the singles from one. I was both surprised & impressed with the quality. The clarity simply blew me away when I popped the disc in my stereo. The decades in the music industry have paid off & while the music may not fit everyone's taste, it's worth the effort. Even a nice George Harrison cover gets in the mix. There is three versions of this album avilable, one with a dvd of live performances released for the tour & apparently it's the album played as a show & is both sterile & crap basically!

Ways & Means - Paul Kelly - Damn, I'm really wanting this double cd to grab me, but as yet I just can't sit through it in it's entirety. It's the sort of record I'll break out one day & cover a few songs myself, just to hear them the way I want to!

The Central Park Concert - Dave Matthews Band - Three discs, twenty songs & every one made into an epic. I want this show on dvd, but it doesn't look like it's being released here in Oz. These are cd's to be played loud for full effect & I can't remember an acoustic guitar being played with such intensity. Lot's of little hooks that get stuck in your head to drive you nuts during the day!

There are a few other albums in front of me here, but since 24 is about to start on the telly, they can wait!

[Posted with hblogger 0.1b]

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Happy Easter all! I'm into the second of four days of, well, pretty much nothing! I'm going to just sit around, bit of Stevie Ray Vaughan in the background, my Strat under my arm & a bit of fiddling on the six-string.

This little break ends a killer week with end of month dramas at work & lots of little things which have kept me a whole lot busier than a council worker on strike.

Thankfully, after a few arrangements, I managed to catch up with Karen, Kristy, Dave & little Willmott from my old place of occupation, the Glenelg Golf Club. A top night, even though everwhere closes at midnight before Good Friday. Started with dinner at the Hog's Breath Cafe at Glenelg before hitting the Pier & Pines at the Stamford Grand.

I actually feel pretty bad because I've neglected way too many friends recently, so being able to catch up was rather special in my book! Can't say I've had that much fun for a long time either. All good!

Everyone of the above individuals know about this site & to my surprise are actually very supportive of it. I couldn't imagine staff at the Pier or the Radi ever glazing over the content here! Thankfully, they probably never will!

There's so much I could write about Thursday night, but I'm struggling as it is with processing thoughts tonight, so I'll digress at this point.

One last thing, Willmott, get back to work & stop surfing the net!! ;)

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Time for the controversial….

Tyre slashers are doing good things around Adelaide!

I was thinking about this on the way to work this morning. Although there have now been hundreds of cars which have had their tyres punctured by gangs, I’m starting to see the positive side.


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

The main daily rags around Australia have issued a token to obtain a rubber pin of "Karak", the 2006 Commonwealth Games mascot.

I only saw the mascot for the first time the other day & I must say I was a little disturbed.

I haven’t quite figured it out, but it’s either the gayest Cockatoo ever to be a Games representative or it may just be an ordinary Galah dressed in a Cockatoo suit!

Monday, April 05, 2004

I’m thinking it’s about bloody time I took some holidays! I’ve been working since 1997 & have taken three weeks off during that time. My last week off was in September 2002 & I’ve had about five days of sick leave since then which really doesn’t count!

As all accountants know, anything more than a week is never going to be approved. Hey, getting any time off is a miracle!

Anyway, it’s all approved for the week of the 19th to the 23rd & only after did I find out about the ANZAC long weekend! That’s a whole 8 days straight off from work.

That means that I don’t have to worry about sleep after the John Mayer concert on the 20th & I’ll use the rest of the time wisely to look around for a new place to live & I may end up flying up to the Gold Coast to catch up with a friend who has recently moved cities.

All in all, with Easter providing a couple of public holidays as well, I’ll have two weeks of four days, one week off & another week of four days.

It's all worked out pretty well, considering none of which was planned!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Headed to the Adelaide International Motor Show today to check out all the vehicles I'll never have enough money to own, or if I did have that kind of money, wouldn't buy anyway because we all hate snobs driving overpriced status symbols!

Anyway, I keep coming back to the little Mini Cooper S as my first choice should I win lotto. Other nice automobiles that stood out as potentially sitting in the driveway are the Renault Megane Hatch & the Citroen C2. I'm not sure about the 'bottom' of the Megane but otherwise a good looking car, & the Citroen is also very cool, with steering wheel gear shift paddles & other sporty additions.

On a side note, for anyone that goes to the show, check out the show layout guide they give out when you enter for the girl three from the left. She has also appeared in the TV ad & is even cuter in real life. I know, I used to work with her!

The only downside to the show this year is the number of fat kids with digital cameras. I love the whole photographic thing, but I do have a problem with kids who are years away from getting behind the wheel, expecting everyone to get out of their way so they can take a shot of a Porsche from 30 feet!

Earlier in the day, I had a mole on head checked out due to it changing shape over the last month. This appointment was actually a second opinion after the first Doctor referred me straight to a plastic surgeon to have it removed. I questioned whether any other spots may be at risk & he said "not an issue"?!? Then why the hell are you proposing to cut a ruddy great big hole in my forehead??

I think you understand my need for a second opinion! Anyway, the guy that checked me out this morning was horrified by what I told him & he checked out the various moles I have & carefully inspected my suspicious spot. I was given the all clear & saved myself from being sliced & diced. I suspect that the first Doc I went to was drumming up a bit of business for a mate!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Since it’s all out in the open now, talking about James’ little piece of handiwork & some of the other hoaxes is now acceptable.

I’ve just found out about a ripper of an April Fools Day gag here at the hotel. We have an engineer here with a reputation as a prankster & so-far, the people who have been tricked can see the funny side!

Earlier this afternoon, one of the Reception girls called our General Manager to the back of a hotel where a guest had jumped from one of the rooms. Since this is always a possibility, he’s bolted through the foyer, out the front door, down the road to the back lane to find a body covered in a sheet & blood everywhere!

I’ve seen the photos of the GM’s arrival on the scene & at first glance the body is pretty convincing. Thankfully, a few other staff joined the act, being hysterical at the horrifying sight to make it all the more convincing.

Later photos show a GM with a smile on his face. I’m not sure if this is due to him seeing the funny side, pure relief, or the fact that he has taken revenge by removing a few people from the payroll!

Happy April Fools!

With all that’s going on in the world at the moment, the site of has been amazingly targeted by the Australian Broadcasting Authority as being the root of all evil.

Who would have thought that people with online journals would actually speak their mind, say it like it is & get away with it. I have about 19 months of archived posts about all the things I love & hate. It covers all things, personal, work related & political & is my point of view entirely. If anyone else has a problem with the content, they should speak to me on a personal level, especially if it is the Government!

I’m not sure how the views of one or more people should bring down an entire community of bloggers! Regardless of the frivolous outcome, I’m sure one way or another, Adelaide will stand up to the challenge & voice our views to the rest of the world!

I just hope this is not another case reminiscent of the huge “lirpa loof” debacle of the 90's. So much loss without justification!

I must say, I was “had” for a good twenty seconds or so. Nice one!





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