Back at work again, feeling a thousand times better, but still a bit croaky. Sensational weather again, few clouds, blue sky & around the mid 20's centigrade.
Finally installed SETI@home. I say finally because I've thought about it for yonks but never actually done anything about it. Easier to setup than I thought, uses virtually no computer resources (or not enough to cause me to notice) & once going is really trippy to watch. Colourful graphs, fast moving lines, it just looks really high tech & kept my dad transfixed for ages! No signs of alien life have sprung forth yet & apparently there's a 99.99999% chance nothing ever will. Hey I'll take those odds!!!
I've been told this web page needs more photos. A digital camera is on its way, probably this weekend if possible. However, any photos will go up on a possibly redesigned site, I'm getting sick of the colour. I also want the page to be visible to those poor plebs who can only view 800 x 400 (for god sakes people, update your monitors!!) & fix up Wap access. Mind you, I've probably buggered the wap thing further by having this in a frame. I also hope to have a new name for the site & it's various sections....stay tuned.
Good luck to all those budding accountants doing their CPA exams at the moment, better you than me. I pulled out of the last subject due to it being ridiculously huge in content. In addition to that my heart wasn't in it after failing the subject before it, even though I am of the opinion I passed. At the moment I can't see myself getting back into it. I've got three years to complete it, so maybe I'll get the ambition at some stage in the future.
It's odd that after spending a couple of years studying accounting in high school, two years at college studying accounting and yet a further two years studying... yes you guessed it... accounting....& after working for the last five years as an accountant that I would like to continue down that path. Sorry for the length of that last sentence. Anyway, over the time of studying & working, I've always had thoughts of doing something different, maybe in tourism, music or something generally creative. Since it now looks like tourism is currently out of the question for obvious reasons, I'm trying to branch out, mainly by writing a few songs, & with the future advent of a digital camera, maybe visual arts becomes an option.
Now I've got all the above off my chest, I'll get back to work.