I haven't written here for ages so it's about time. I've been working on a new layout & I'll carry over the blogs to the new page. I thought about archiving this site on a link so it has some historical significance, being that it was my first ever web page, however, that was rather corny on my second analysis.
I've been taking a few shots with the new camera. Mind you, in order to do so, I've had to dodge lightning and buckets of rain. It's a bit of Murphy's law with the weather, but now it's summer, the weekends will fine up eventually.....won't they? Anyway, picture quality is really good, and all photos that appear on the new site will be one's I've taken.
Someone finally signed my guest book! It took 2 & 1/2 months, but the honour goes to (drumroll please)....."Hayley". Maybe this will get things going in the future.
A big thankyou goes out to Peter Green & his team at the Frenz of the Enz establishment. I just received a couple of out of print Crowded House fan club cd's which are sensational. Not the originals that were issued a couple of years ago, but cdr's made from the master disk, with original covers. These two continue my collection of all things Finn & CH. Lots of material coming from Neil at the moment with both the cd & dvd of the final St James concert in Auckland with Eddie Vedder, Betchadupa, a couple of the Radiohead lads and too many more to mention. The cd of the show is pretty good. I've read an article which says it is a bit disjointed & unfortunately I will agree on this one. I've got a bootleg copy of the entire show over three cd's & as a whole the gig is phenomenal, but the sound of course is nowhere near as good the the official release. I'm still waiting on the dvd, if anyone in Adelaide ever gets it in!
I saw the footage of the Israeli helicopters attacked parts of Gaza City this morning on the news. It becomes increasingly amazing just how quickly events of the world filter throughout the population, brought to life in our loungerooms, placing us amongst the action. Nothing highlights this more than what we saw in New York. Technology has given us this insight and realism to the events, rather than reading about them the following day in the paper with a sense of detachment. Don't get me wrong, to have news up to the second is great, but having those live images of flight 175 is not that great.