It's been two weeks since I've had a moment to even think about this web site.
Actually, that's not 100% true. I managed to write a couple of entries but this darn computer ended up with cold feet & died, losing everything I'd written in the process.
I've actually been told that I need to keep this more up to date, so I'm sorry for the delay Karen!
Working backwards over the past couple of weeks, It's been unbelievably hectic & It'll be nice when Christmas & New Years is over.
I've been pretty crook over the past week with an upset stomach. I have no conclusive source for what caused it, but after four consecutive days, it's getting pretty annoying. I'm thinking it may have been some dodgy seafood!
I spent last night out with some of the
Fennell, Allen & Co. staff for their annual Christmas show. I haven't worked with them for the last three, but I still get an invite! I caught up with them after work, so they were already quite tanked. There seemed to be quite a few vomit stories going around & from the glassy eyes, they were all believable.
The previous Sunday was the Christmas show for the
Glenelg Golf Club & as always is a good night. Thankfully I don't think I said a word to the dickhead General Manager all night, so that made the night special. Come to think of it, I saw him standing by himself quite a bit during the night, showing that noone has time for him. Other than a few greenkeepers, everyone turned up, including young Gaby, after she piked out of my farewell bash!
My mission is to get copies of some of the photo's from the night.
I spent the Saturday at the golf club as well, trying to the my replacement back on track. The woman they picked for the job has never had any experience & no idea of what she's doing. She's not to blame however, because the job was presented to her as being simple & requiring little knowledge. I had the pleasure of telling the GM exactly that & that he was naive in his decisions. He wanted more help this morning, but after last weekend he's on his own. There's no point in trying to explain a job to someone when they have no background & don't understand the fundamentals of the role. It's a waste of everyone's time.
Other than the above, work at the
Pier Hotel is going better. There is now six of the eight outlets open for business, and the patronage has been good considering nothing has been advertised.
The office area is still a pain in the ass, with workmen coming & going, telephones ringing permanently & kitchen staff using the office as a short cut to the change rooms.
Once the new year has begun, it will hopefully calm down a bit!?!