As far as Friday night's go, this one just gone was a corker.
As usual, I'm chasing a girl. I don't see her all that regularly, except for when she gets rostered during the day. She's cute, funny, smart & makes the most amazing eye contact.
Out of the blue, I felt like sending her a message, which ended up being a SMS fest for a couple of hours.
Here is where it gets interesting.... Another girl that works here is doing her darndest to get close to me. She's a chef & really has no place being in the admin offices, which is a problem because she's now there most of the time.
I should be grateful for some female attention, but even if she wasn't married, I'd have no interest.
Did everyone get that last bit? Yes, the girl is making moves & she's married!!
She came & had a drink at the bar with myself & a few other staff & really increased the pressure of her flirting. The next problem was that she managed to see one of the messages on my phone from the girl I'm actually interested in! Hence, this resulted in numerous questions about her & to get around the predicament, passed her off as being both someone outside the workplace & that I'd been seeing her for quite some time.
The married chef then went on to say how much better she would treat me than the other girl & how her marriage was already n the rocks.
I eventually escaped, dignity intact, but I'm thinking that passing off the other girl as a true girlfriend may come back to bite me.
I suspect that this saga will continue... stay tuned.