Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Some days you just get lucky! Today was one of those days.

It actually started on the 15th of this month when I picked up the brand new "Something for Kate" CD, "The Official Fiction". Due to the CD store involved, being one of few giving away concert tickets for pre-ordered albums, I scored a ticket as they must have had a few over.

I didn't know whether I'd actually get to the show, but I'm glad I made the effort.

Approximately 300 fans who had bought the album as well were transfixed by Paul Dempsey performing an acoustic set of SFK tracks at the "Fowler's Live" in Adelaide.

Paul is amazingly adept with simply a microphone & guitar. It was interesting to watch all the fellow guitarists in the room following Pauls hands & trying to work out the chords. Not very easy to do!

The set went for around an hour & included the following songs (not in order);

Light at the end of the tunnel
No man's land
Deja vu
Reverse Soundtrack
Stunt Show
Whatever you want

I'm sure there may have been one or two more & if I remember them I'll add them in!

A big thankyou to Paul, Stephanie & Clint for remembering the fans & putting on the show & signing autographs afterward! (It's a pity I had nothing for them to sign!! Mental note - Never wear only dark clothing!)

Sunday, August 17, 2003

I've been struggling with a cold for the last week or so & it's driven me crazy!! However, I have been able to get right back into playing the guitar & it's amazing what a bit of practise does! Since I haven't actually thought nuch about blogging of late, I'm going to take the easy way out & let Friday Five ask the big questions.

1. How much time do you spend online each day?

I sit at a computer everyday due to work & it's as blurry as looking through a glass full of water! My use at home is therefore limited through wanting my eyes to last at least a couple more years. I'd say, on average, around an hour or so. I can go a few days in a row without needing to be online, but have been known to do the od four hour session!

2. What is your browser homepage set to?

Google takes the honours here. If I want to go somewhere this is the logical place to start. All other essential pages exist in the favourites directory.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?

I use MSN Messenger because a lot of good folk I know use it too. I did use ICQ for a while a year or so ago, but there's just too many wierdo's sitting out there!

4. Where was your first webpage located?

If you're reading this then you found it. I've never bothered with setting up the domain of "". Doesn't seem to be much point!

5. How long have you had your current website?

obe before unlucky has been up & running since August 28, 2001.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

I'm going to go back in time by a couple of weeks for this blog.

I was a circus virgin until recently when I was invited to attend the Stardust Circus. I've actually had no desire to see a circus at all, but I had nothing better to do, so I went along.

Family circuses have been around since they found you could train a big cat. The problem seems to be that evolution never caught up with the various groups of performing gypsies as they traipsed from town to town.

Thankfully, my expectations were not that great, especially when they call themselves the 'Stardust' circus. I was going to be hard to disappoint.

There were the obligatory clowns, jugglers & acrobats, but it all started with five lions who really didn't ant to partake in jumping over one another. Occasionally, one swung out trying to nail its trainer & after seeing what they go through a little part of me wanted the claw to make some decent contact. Eventually, they were given the command to return to their cages out the back & that's when they finally became enthused.

Monkeys are pretty clever. Hell, we probably once were monkeys! However, these little fellas had only been trained to grasp at the chain around their necks to save themselves from strangulation whilst they were yanked from one end of the ring to the other. Of course you're going to do a back flip if your only other option is a broken neck!

The most impressive piece of the show were the ponies (which had been trained to actually do stuff) & were visibly well cared for by their female trainer So useful were they, they took children for ride in the ring at $2 a pop during half-time.

Another highlight of the circus was Anna from Hungary. Not merely from her talents as a chick in lycra that could balance on various parts of her body, but her equally adept skills of selling cotton candy before & after the show. Her parents would be so proud.

And the moment you've all been waiting for.... "Arna, The Elephant". It was hailed as a star in the animal kingdom, but this one was just too old to care. The poor old gal had to stand on a podium & lift her legs in various patterns & then came the finally. If everyone was quiet, this elephant would play us some music! I'm sorry, but stuffing a harmonica down an elephant's trunk is not really what I consider to be music!

Overall, I was pretty disappointed, mainly for the anguish to the animals. Watching a few of Elvis's old films when he joined the circus (there was more than one), have the same vibe but are far more spectacular.

After the show, we headed behind the tent to where Arna the elephant was held. Thankfully, she had a lot of room to move around & enjoyed a bit of human company while we were there. Also in attendance was a guy who had had a fair bit to drink & still had a bottle in his hand. The fact that this guy had fed Arna three bags of cotton candy was cause for us to leave. The last thing I wanted was to be around a bloody big elephant when the sugar hit kicked in!

Monday, August 04, 2003

About a year ago, I had a boring week that resulted in entering a music store & purchasing a dvd that would both cure that boredom & allow me to experience some new music from an artist I knew, but hadn't heard much of.

The band was "Something for Kate" & so impressed was I, that I hunted down their back catalogue, learnt some of their songs on guitar & eagerly awaited any new material.

The latest single 'deja vu' was released early this month followed by a national tour that ended here in Adelaide on the 20th. After a last minute decision to catch the band, the concert was exceptional. Lots of old stuff & plenty of gear from the forthcoming album 'the official fiction'.

I imagine the band will tour America later in the year, so for all you northern hemispherians (yet another made up word!), check them out.

Lead singer, Paul Dempsey writes some amazing lyrics & definately rocks hard on stage. His acoustic ability is pretty good too.

A few photos of the show are on the web site, though I can't be seen in any of them (drat!).

I saw Neil Finn in the same venue around the same time last year & both times the pre-show acts have been really left of centre. A three-piece which played as everyone entered sounded like an amateur Pet Shop Boys, which is not something that is pleasant on the ears! They had heaps & heaps of equipment on stage & used it all poorly. I can't remember who they were, or do I care to. Death Cab for Cutie was the other support & played some semi-decent material. At some stage I'll check out their material at slightly less volume however.






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