Two days late, but hey, it's not the sunday six but the
friday five;
1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
This is a struggle, since it's getting closer by the second... funny that!
a. Fall in love. I think it's called 'living in hope'.
b. Complete at least two more songs.
c. Have someone of influence listen to my recorded demos.
d. Move out.
e. Job satisfaction.
2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
a. Leah - She lives all of five minutes away & I haven't seen her in nearly a year. Still a good friend, but our paths are leading us in different directions.
b. Danny - He lives all of two minutes away & his wife had a son about five odd months ago that I still haven't seen. I'm never able to get around to his place when their all home.
c. Terese - A girl that got the wrong end of an innocent conversation & went from being her friend to her enemy. I haven't spoken to her in over three years & would love to tell her the story of how we were both betrayed by a women who has spent her life being a bitch.
d. Alix - Went though primary school together, went to different high schools & then crossed paths years later. I now know she lives in London but that's it. Would just like to get in contact & swap stories.
e. I'm going to have to cut this list short, since most people I want to hear from usually get in contact by email or though messenger from wherever they are in this big, wide world. Thanks guys!
3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
a. I'd love to learn how to play guitar like I use number pad on a calculator. I can type lists of numbers without mistakes & never have to actually think about what I'm doing. I so want to play the guitar with the same prowess.
b. I wouldn't mind learning how to play the violin. It's got fewer stings than the guitar, so how hard can it be?? I'll leave this alone before I get spammed by disgruntled first chairs.
c. How to make money from the things I'm good at & enjoy, rather than the things I do okay at but don't enjoy!
d. Wouldn't mind learning the secret of how the laziest people in the workplace get so much praise for their efforts, whilst those that work all hours & go well beyond the call of duty get slammed at every turn.
e. How to get every man & his dog to come to this site.
4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
a. Buy a nice house in the suburbs with a fully equipped recording studio.
b. A Mini Cooper S to sit in the driveway.
c. A all encompassing world trip before performing a & b.
d. Set up bank accounts where my parents & sister receive interest earned on the winnings. If I gave my sister a lump sum, she'd be able to spend it in a week or so! If you work it out, $2m @ 4% interest is $80,000 per year. That's not a bad income!
e. Pay off the odd debt for friends at random, eg. home loans, car loans, university debts, etc.
5. List five things you do that help you relax.
a. blog.
b. play the guitar endlessly.
c. the cinema experience.
d. drive down roads never traveled & attempt to get lost.
e. surf the net with music dvd's cranked up in the background.